"Truth and Falsehood in Science and the Arts"

Identyfikator Librowy: 225022

Spis treści

Ewa Kosowska, Barbara Bokus, Beyond Truth and Falsehood 7

Jerzy Axer, Between Science, Art, and Forgery: Latin Textual Criticism as a Case Example 21

Przemysław Piwowarczyk, Mechanism of Mystification and Demystification at the Point of Contact between the Humanities and Science: Case Study of the Gospel of Jesus’ Wife 36

Karol Wilczyński, Why Is Philosophy Bad for the Soul? Commentary on Al-Ġazālī’s Critique of the Philosophers 46

Maria Łukaszewicz-Chantry, Only a Poet Never Lies… Maciej Kazimierz Sarbiewski’s Thoughts on the Privilege of Poets 62

Izabella Zatorska, Illusion and Truth in Theater from the Baroque to Romanticism 69

Wojciech Sajkowski, Honesty as a Trait of Non-Civilized Man in the French Image of Southern Slavs at the Turn of the 18th and 19th Centuries 90

Adam Grzeliński, The Validity of Aesthetic Judgments: George Santayana’s Polemics with Tradition 101

Anna Żymełka-Pietrzak, Not Naked but Wearing “Dress uponDress”: Johann Georg Hamann on Truth 115

Marta Baron-Milian, Worthless yet Priceless: The Truths and Economics of Poetry 128

Paweł Tomczok, Truth and Falsehood of the Mirror: Subjectivity – Reflection – Practice 147

Michał Rogalski, The Disengaged Researcher as a Type: Truth and Probability in Studies on Religious Thought 161

Rafał Zawisza, Hannah Arendt’s Marranic Evasions and the Truth of Her Cryptotheology 172

Piotr Kałowski, Narration True and False: Dialogical Self Theory in Psychotherapy 189

Anna Milanowicz, Truth and Untruth in Irony 205

Adrianna Smurzyńska, When Does Simulation Enable Us Adequately to Attribute Mental States to Others? 212

Joanna Barska, Music vs. Truth: Illustration in the Context of the Aesthetics of Music 221

Karolina Kolinek-Siechowicz, Truth and Early Music: The Intersection of Arts and Humanities 233

Anna Chęćka, Truth Embodied in Music 247

Piotr Słodkowski, Truth of a Painting, Truth of Matter: Robert Rauschenberg, Henryk Streng, and the History of Art 252

Maciej Junkiert, The Polish History of Literature as a Lieu de Mémoire 259

Jan Kutnik, Truth of the Place and Truth of the Exhibition: “Case Study” of the State Museum at Majdanek 271

Index of Names 291