"Przegląd Socjologiczny t. 61 z. 1/2012"

Identyfikator Librowy: 71792

Spis treści

based on CBOS research 111

Natalia H i p s z – Standardized research techniques as a special type of communication– the comparison of the personal standardized interview, the telephone interviewand the auditorium survey 131

Wojciech J a b ł o ń s k i – Difficult situations in telephone interviews 153

Sylwia M ę c f a l – Problems in field work/field studies – chosen methodological,practical and ethical issues in exploring “difficult” phenomena 178

Rafał M a c i ą g – The social construction of official documents and data. Medical data 199

Jolanta L i s e k - M i c h a l s k a – Methodological and practical evaluationof fokus group interview (FGI) – a propos al of evaluative procedure 227