"Art Inquiry. Recherches sur les arts t. XII (XXI)"

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Introduction 7

ROBERT C. MORGAN – The Monet Season 9

ROMAN KUBICKI – The existential pitfalls of aesthetic (over)sensitivity 15

WIOLETTA KAZIMIERSKA-JERZYK – The allergy of philosophical aesthetics tosensuality and its desensitization in view of philosophical anthropology 25

GRZEGORZ SZTABIŃSKI – Topicality and Timelessness as Artistic Allergies 39

PIOTR SCHOLLENBERGER – Idleness and contemporary art. On taking one’s time 71

PAULINA SZTABIŃSKA – The Minimalist Allergy to Art 91

AGNIESZKA GRALIŃSKA-TOBOREK – 20th-century allergy to classical antiquity and attempts to overcome it 109

MATEUSZ SALWA – The Unknown Masterpiece by Honoré Balzac, or the practical trap of theory 127

KAZIMIERZ PIOTROWSKI – The trauma of sense. The Declarations, Manifestationsand Institutions of Andrzej Partum 143

JULIA SOWIŃSKA-HEIM – A kurgan grave or an orange squeezer? A matter of personal preference 169

MAGDALENA SAMBORSKA – The hidden other. Clothing as an art object 187

JACEK ZYDOROWICZ – Art and terrorism as catalysts of social tensions 201

GRZEGORZ DZIAMSKI – Postcolonial discourse, or how to read global art 219

Notes on Contributors 229