"Śląski Przegląd Statystyczny 18(24) 2020"

Identyfikator Librowy: 251285

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Od Redakcji/Editor’s Letter 6

Joanna Dębicka: The 100th birthday of Professor Dr. hab. Stanisława Bartosiewicz 18

Stanisława Bartosiewicz: Jak zostałam asystentką i nieco o skutkach tego wydarzenia 24

Karlheinz Fleischer: Pamięci Profesora Wolfgang Förstera i Profesora Zdzisława Hellwiga 34

Richard Hindls, Stanislava Hronová, Prokop Závodský: Half a century of cooperation and friendship between the Department of Statistics, University of Economics, Prague and Wroclaw Universityof Economics and Business 40

Walenty Ostasiewicz: Americanism as a global idolatry of market and its impact on universities 44

Petra Cisková, Emília Zimková, Rudolf Zimka: Dynamics of a twocountry Kaldorian model of business cycles with fixed exchange rates: the case of Slovakia and the Czech Republic 100

Hanna Dudek: The relationship between food insecurity and objective and subjective income indicators in Poland 122

Elżbieta Ferenstein: On dynamic credibility models 134

Krzysztof Kępczyński: Proportional reinsurance for fractional Brownian risk model 150

Stanisław Maciej Kot: The estimation of the costs of children based on random equivalence scales 164

Katarzyna Ostasiewicz, Achille Vernizzi: Preliminary notes on Palma’s measure of inequality 184

Anna Pajor: Odwrócone gamma a logarytmiczno-normalne innowacje w modelach MSF-SBEKK w prognozowaniu wybranych polskich kursów walutowych 198

Paweł Ulman: Ubóstwo monetarne w Polsce – ujęcie rozmyte 220

Joanna Dębicka, Stanisław Heilpern: Valuation of viatical insurance contracts 236

Heiko Groenitz: Machine learning methods for classification problems 242

Stanisław Heilpern, Joanna Dębicka: The optimization on the viatical insurance market 250

Marie Hušková, Zuzana Prášková, Josef G. Steinebach: Estimating a gradual parameter change in an AR(1)-process Cyprian Kozyra: Correlation and regression models in the Dyadic DataAnalysis 264

Agnieszka Marciniuk: Valuation of equity release contracts in Poland compared to the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic 270

Mänz Posselt: Finding the optimal location for a power-to-gas station 278

Karl-Heinz Schild: On the validity of the test for asymmetry in residual-based threshold cointegration models 282

Sascha Moells, Vladena Prysyazhna: International corporate governance research: some contemporary insights 290

Christian Westphal: A mixed batch 292

Katarzyna Ostasiewicz: Jak błędy i paradoksy mogą zapewnić miejsce w annałach nauki? Pionierskie dokonania Josepha Berksona 294

Oscar Sheynin: Graphical least squares method and Gauss 326