"Estudios Latinoamericanos, vol. 40 (2020)"

Identyfikator Librowy: 266478

Spis treści

Recent Research at San Isidro, El Salvador,in the Context of Southeastern Mesoamerican Archaeology 5

Agnieszka HAMANNThe concept of space in Classic Mayan 33

The Lunar Series and eclipse cycles at Palenque, Chiapas, Mexico 61

ESTUDIOS DEDICADOS A ANDRZEJ KRZANOWSKI – CONTINUACÍONFrank M. MEDDENSWari Women as symbols of power; and a case for client states 87

The Sala de los Morteros at Machu Picchu: another precise astronomical instrument of the Incas? 121

Aleksandra LASZCZKA, Patrycja PRZĄDKA-GIERSZTapestry-Woven Textiles from Castillo de Huarmey, Peru and the Wari-Huarmey Textile Tradition 141

ARTICLESAnna PRZYTOMSKA-LA CIVITAEl concepto del cuerpo y la persona entre los q’erosde la Cordillera Vilcanota, Perú 159